How to combat information overload from digital media

“It takes discipline not to let social media steal your time.” ―Alexis Ohanian

Let’s face it! In this era of digital media, you can’t live without constant updates on what is happening around you. More so during COVID – 19. It would be interesting to know that in general negative events are more memorable and emotionally impactful than good ones and thus you get them all over the place.

Unknowingly this is creating a negativity bias in us which to a major extent impacts our level of motivation.

Here, I am listing 3 strategies which you can use to combat the effect of digital media in your life so that you have more free energy for developing self – motivation and a positive mindset.

Limit Your Exposure to Media Coverage

Choose specific times of the day when you will get updates and be sure they are from reliable sources of of information.

Especially with social media where looking at the highlights of someone else’s life can give us a false sense of hopelessness or make us feel left behind. So instead of checking frequently setting aside a “Happy Hour” every day for one hour for checking on your social sites can do much help.

Try One-Day Digital Detoxification Routine

To request this is hard but certainly, it’s do-able!

Take a break for at least one full day (weekends could be a good option) in a month from any sort of digital media.

Instead, read or re-read your favourite book, play music, play with your children, go cycling, be with nature to rejuvenate yourself. The Brain gets an instant recharge plus it helps to reconnect with yourself even if its for one day a month.

Avoid Checking Your Smartphone at Day break

Immediately after waking up in the morning resist the temptation of checking on emails, social media updates etc. as because any elements of stress, anxiety or negativity that you develop from them will be immediately picked up by your brain and this feeling will set the tone for the rest of the day.

Instead, listening to positive music, meditation, doing morning affirmations, light exercising or yoga will give you a perfect start to take on the day.

Hope this helps!

Founder of CoachAble, an Entrepreneur, Life Coach, Teacher, Philanthropist and an unshakable optimist, Nilanjan is dedicated to helping people who are at a crossroads in life to create long term sustainable change in their lives. Nilanjan through his life coaching helps you to re-design life so that you can live with a sense of fulfilment.

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