3 Great Tips for Keeping Your New Year’s “Resolution” This Year

What can I do now to make this year better? Lose weight? Get in a better or healthier habit?

The arrival of a new year, with its clean slate, gives you another shot at getting things right or at least making them better.

Research from Forbes shows that less than 25% of people actually stay committed to their resolutions after just 30 days, and only 8% accomplish them. Yup! That’s right. 

You see resolutions tend to be broad and vague like a wish whereas goals are much more actionable, which is what makes them more effective.

If you make a resolution and aren’t able to follow through with it, you may end up beating yourself up and feeling worse about yourself. It’s best to set goals for yourself that are small and manageable. This is how the 8% of people make good on their New Year’s resolutions.

How to transform your New Year’s resolutions into goals?

Get clear on what you want to accomplish

Take something broad such as losing weight (one of the biggest resolutions people make) in the next year and break it down.

Instead of saying something vague as “I want to lose weight” or “I want to get back in shape ” focus on the process or the plan that you can realistically measure. For example, you might commit yourself of losing 5 pounds within a stipulated period of time or create a journal to track your progress.

The more specific you get when breaking down your goals the better you’ll be able to track your progress and stay focused. 

Get an accountability partner

This is all about holding yourself accountable. Get an accountability partner who shares your goal and will hold you accountable if you do not take adequate efforts to move towards it. An example could be your gym buddy. This way you’ll be more likely to make positive decisions. You can also do this by becoming a member of a group of like-minded people on social media like Facebook, LinkedIn etc. 

Reward yourself

If you reach a milestone in your journey, treat yourself. It will help keep you motivated. Go out to a movie, go on a trip, go do something you enjoy.

Change Is a Process. Real change takes time. Remember this is not a race to the finish. It’s a lifestyle change. Always be kind and flexible with yourself and celebrate any and all progress that comes along the way. 

Founder of CoachAble, an Entrepreneur, Life Coach, Teacher, Philanthropist and an unshakable optimist, Nilanjan is dedicated to helping people who are at a crossroads in life to create long term sustainable change in their lives. Nilanjan through his life coaching helps you to re-design life so that you can live with a sense of fulfilment.

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