How To Gain Massive Confidence When You are at Your Weakest

Did you ever come across the saying “You have to be at your strongest when you are at your weakest”?

It implies you have to give your best performance when the situation is not at it’s best. Easier said than done, I would say.

Let’s begin by focusing on the word “WEAK”.

What makes us “weak” during unfavourable circumstances? What makes us doubt our abilities in those situations?

The answer is faltering Self Confidence.

Let’s try to understand the mechanics of how it all works:

During difficult times (mostly created by external factors) our self-belief i.e., our identity takes a hit, as a result, our confidence level plummets and instantly on an auto mode our negative inner voice springs to action by ushering dissuading words to us such as “You are no good”, “You are a failure”, “What will people say about you”, “Just Quit” and the like. And we all know, how at this point it becomes almost unimaginable to come up with even a single positive word about yourself, leave alone a whole thought.

You might be asking so what can be done in this situation? How to avoid it? What’s the solution?

Well, truth is we certainly can’t avoid such testing times in life coming on us but the good news is we can certainly implement some strategies to bring back our confidence level to a new high! With higher confidence levels you will have higher levels of resiliency and with regular practice, you will be building up a force field around yourself to be fazed by any unfavourable circumstance.

While there are many strategies, at this point let’s look at one.

The “Why I Am Great” Strategy.

Aim of the Technique:

To bring back self-belief & confidence in you by reconnecting the real you with yourself by eliminating the noise at your subconscious level.

The Requisites

  • Must be done at a quiet place where you can be with yourself (Mobile turned off).
  • Must not rush while doing the activity. Requires deep thinking.

The Steps:

  • Take a pen and a few pieces of paper.
  • Go deep down and start listing down points (showing your positive qualities and adding value to yourself) from your own personal or professional life. Situations where according to you, you achieved something great (Not just material achievement but anything worth noticing). For example, it could be how you keep everyone motivated around you at work, how everyone loves your presence at social gatherings, how you completed a tough office project before time, how you scored the winning goal at a football tournament etc.
  • No taking opinions from others, purely based on what you think is worth writing down.
  • In the beginning, write down as many points you can think of (Don’t stop the flow of memories and thoughts at this point).
  • Once done, review all the points and filter those you think are more valid. You can keep 10 to 12 points max. as it’s easy to go through.
  • Next, list the final points on a piece of paper(s). Give a Big Bold heading of “Why I Am Great”.
  • Always keep one list with yourself folded and within reach (your wallet or pocket) so that you can instantly refer to it when you are feeling down!
  • If possible then put up one list at your office space (hidden from others!) and another one at home.
  • New points can be added at regular intervals to the list if you feel like.

Congratulations! The major work is done! Now you are ready to boost up your confidence level!

The Process:

Whenever you are feeling low simply refer to the list, focus and start reading aloud the points. Try to visualize the events as it unfolds before your eyes. Read till you feel your confidence level is improving.

The logic:

During our lows our self – belief becomes weak and together with our re-enforcing negative inner voices, our mind gets inclined on believing on others opinion of us (which in most cases are FALSE) at that moment. At this stage, it becomes very difficult for our brain to come up with positive thoughts. By making the list readily available in front, you are taking off pressure from your brain and by reading aloud along with visualization you are reconnecting with your true self, who is a WINNER!

Make it a habit to refer to the list whenever you feel low and with regular practice, your mind will become more tuned up and resilient and finally you will no longer require the list.

Keep practising! You can Change Your Mindset!

Power to You!

Nilanjan Gupta

Founder & Coach

2 thoughts on “How To Gain Massive Confidence When You are at Your Weakest”

  1. I will always be grateful to Shri. Nilanjan ji for his support and kindness. I am blessed with a mentor like you and it has counted a lot in my career.
    My sincere gratitude for guiding me on the right path.
    Namaskar. Thankyou.

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